Lesson 6: Balanced Scorecard
Glossary - Know Your Words
Accounting is the language of business. To become proficient in accounting, you must understand each term associated with each accounting concept. Every lesson has a specific set of words, which will always be listed here at the end of each lesson. Simply click on a word to display the definition within our glossary. We urge you to take the neccesary time to carefully study each term before taking any assessment.
Common Measures Bias
Division Scorecard
Firm-Wide Scorecard
Lagging Indicators
Leading Indicators
Luca Pacioli
Motivated Reasoning
Performance Measures
Personal Scorecard
Scorecard Cascading
Scorecard Perspectives
Strategic Initiatives
Strategic Learning
Strategic Objectives
Strategic Performance Measurement System
Strategy Map
Tableau De Bord
The Balanced Scorecard